How to Edit a Video for Facebook Cover in Premiere

With over 500 million users watching video on Facebook every day, it's no surprise that Facebook cover videos are making waves.

Think about it:

When a user visits your page, your cover image is the first thing they'll see.

And, with attention spans plummeting by the day, it's important that yours packs a punch if you want people to remember you.


This is a key opportunity to show off your brand in just a few seconds, and a short video is far more powerful than a static photo.

Why use a Facebook cover video?

The introduction of cover videos brought a much-needed makeover to Facebook business pages as the social media mega-giant attempted to bring users a richer experience.

Think for a moment about all the business pages you've ever visited – can you recall a single memorable cover photo? If you're anything like us, the answer is a big fat no.

But, thanks to cover videos, the tables might be turning.

They're attention grabbing

Research shows that 90% of information processed by the brain is visual.

We're instantly drawn to the movement of a video as opposed to a static picture, but there's also an element of storytelling in videos that taps into our caveman brains. As humans, we want to put a beginning, middle, and end to everything – it's just what we do to create meaning.

On top of that, social videos generate 1200% more shares than images and text combined, which shows just how engaging moving image can be.

They keep people on-page for longer

It's a no-brainer that having a cover video on your Facebook page will keep visitors sticking around longer than a static image. See the point above where we can't help but seek out a story.

In fact, 88% of visitors will stay longer on a page with a prominent video displayed than on one without – and you can't get more prominent than a Facebook cover video.

They showcase your product or service

Putting your product or service at the front and centre of your Facebook page instantly gives new visitors an insight into what you do and what they can expect from you.

In today's business landscape where the competition for attention is fierce, it's important that prospects understand your offering right away – or else you'll lose them to someone else.

And, hey! Video is a great way to quickly explain what you do.

In fact, four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read a lengthy ream of text about it. On top of that, our research showed that 96% of people say they've watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.

So, not only can your Facebook cover video keep people on your page longer, but it can also boost sales too.

They align with the upward trend in video consumption

According to a Cisco study, 82% of all internet traffic will be video by 2022.

This stat paints a picture of just how powerful video has become over the past few years, and the excitement around it isn't going to die down any time soon.

In fact, 87% of consumers want to see more videos from brands over the coming months, with explainer videos, viral entertainment videos, and product demo videos named as the most wanted.

Implementing a Facebook cover video will help you tap into this trend and give the people what they want.

Great Facebook cover video examples

There's nothing quite like a little bit of inspiration to get those creative juices flowing. To spark some ideas for your own cover video, we've collected some of Facebook's finest to show you what works.



Ferrari's cover video perfectly showcases their new range of cars in true and epic Ferrari style.

The fast-paced imagery, teaser close ups of the vehicles, and the trance-like music creates a high energy around the brand that gets visitors excited about what they're offering.



Shoutout to our very own Facebook cover video here.

We used the cover space to give new visitors a snapshot of what we can do via our showreel. The combined bright colours and stand-out imagery is not only eye-catching, but it also provides first-time visitors with a taste of our animation skills.

24/7 Fitness


24/7 Fitness' cover video is actually a series of still images stitched together to create a moving slideshow of sorts. Each black and white picture is stamped with motivational bright, bold text that drives action.

It's important to note this cover video doesn't have any music and almost looks like a GIF in the way it's presented, making the text the most important and stand-out asset.

Animals Asia


Creating an emotional pull is easy when you save cute bears like Animals Asia do.

They use their Facebook cover video to introduce the brand and show some of their biggest achievements. Along with the emotional music and powerful imagery, it's hard not to want to donate all your spare cash to the cause.



Of course design brand Canva were going to get their Facebook cover video spot on.

They use a really minimalist approach and share a short animated video introducing their Design School. Like the 24/7 Fitness video there's no music, but the bright animation is enough to pique visitors' interest in one of the brand's key products.

Facebook cover video specs

Your Facebook cover video is visible to anyone who visits your page – not just those who are fans. It's the first chance you get to impress new prospects, which means the devil really is in the detail – you don't want to instantly turn someone off with a grainy old video, do you?

The problem is, Facebook is guilty of changing its cover specs at the drop of a hat with no prior warning. So, if you already have a cover video – great! But you might find that it doesn't match the 2020 specs.

To avoid any headaches and to make sure your cover video really shines, we've got the latest specs on hand.

Facebook cover video size

Facebook's dedicated Help Centre states that your cover video should be at least 820 x 312 pixels. But, for best results, you ideally want to choose a video that's 820 x 462 pixels in size (although videos of this size will get cropped slightly when viewed on a computer).

In terms of file size, Facebook doesn't specify a limit.

Facebook cover video length

Cover videos can run between 20 and 90 seconds long.

As you can see from the examples above, brands use different lengths for different needs. However, you can always make your video run longer by looping it or slowing it down, or make it shorter by trimming it or speeding it up.

How to upload a cover video to Facebook

Firstly, go to your Facebook business page.

In the top left corner of your cover photo (or video, if you already have one), you'll see an "Add a Cover" or "Change Cover" button. Click that.


Click "Upload Photo/Video" and choose a file from your computer.


Alternatively, you can click "Choose From Videos" if you already have a video uploaded to Facebook that you want to use. Remember, your video should be at least 820 x 312 pixels and between 20 and 90 seconds long.


Select the video you want to use.

When the video has uploaded, you can reposition it by clicking and dragging it up or down. When you've got it where you want it, click "Next".


You'll then be served a series of 10 thumbnail options to choose from (this is the image that will show up when someone hovers over your Page's name to find out more). You can use the arrows to click through the options and choose the one you like best.


Finally, click "Publish" – and voila! You now have a Facebook cover video.

Make your Facebook cover video work for you

At the end of the day, your Facebook cover video is an advert for your brand, whether you're showcasing a product or simply introducing who you are and what you do.

The key is to keep it short, clear, and simple with eye-catching imagery that's memorable and brings your brand to life.

By following the tips we've laid out in this post, you'll have your cover video up, running, and working for you in no time at all.

Want to find out more about video and why it's such a powerful content format on social media? Check out this post .

How to Edit a Video for Facebook Cover in Premiere


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