Columbia Creative Writing Alumni
Langarans are truly outstanding in their fields, and Langara authors are no exception. Take a look below to know more about their journey and what they are up to nowadays. An amazing display of their work is available at the Langara library for the month of November.
Aaron Chan is a musician, filmmaker, and writer. He is a graduate of the Associate of Arts program at Langara and also studied the Creative Writing Program at the University of British Columbia. His writing has been published in literary magazines including Wilde, Ricepaper, Existere, Plenitude, filling Station, Polychrome Ink, and others. His memoir piece A Case of Jeff won SubTerrain's Lush Triumphant Literary Award in 2013. The following year, his play In the Movies was selected for production as part of the Brave New Play Rites Festival. In 2017, Romantic Hopeless, his first poetry chapbook was published. This City Is a Minefield is his first book. Aaron still lives in Vancouver with his cat, Batman.
Aaron Bushkowsky is a national screenwriter and nominee for the Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize intended for Outstanding Book of Poetry. Aside from screenwriting, Aaron publishes many different genres such as film, theatre, poetry prose, and non-fiction. His marvelous play Ed and Mabel Go to the Moon (1995) and nine additional plays were nominated for the Jessie Richardson Theatre Award. Strangers Among Us (1999) & The Waterhead (2003) won. His playwright Curtains for Roy was nominated for the Leacock Medal for Humor, a Canadian award for literary humor. After receiving his bachelor degree from the University of Alberta, he pursued a Masters in Creative Writing at UBC in 2002. Aaron now shares his expertise while teaching screenwriting in the Studio 58 Theatre Arts at Langara.
Alena Buis is an author and instructor in the Department of Art History & Religious Studies. Her work has appeared in peer-reviewed publications and has contributed many essays advocating for women, children, and culture. Alena's research has been presented around the world about the history of Canadian art, the history of women and Dutch culture. Her book Craft, Community and the Material Culture of Place and Politics, 19-20th Century exemplifies sustaining communities while negotiating cultures and commodities and how urbanization has disrupted artisan goods and services today.
Alexander Grammatikos is an author and English instructor at Langara. His writing illustrates the relationship between contemporary and British Greek intercultural relationships. His work explores the romantic aspects of European influence and their attitude toward Greece. Furthermore, he has published articles about women and their influence within British theatre within the nineteenth century. Alex's hobbies include tennis, hiking, delicious food, and of course, reading.
Cameron Macdonald is an author and instructor in the biology department at Langara since 2002. His writing has appeared in the Globe and Mail, Georgia Straight, Vancouver Sun and Toronto Star. Cameron's book The Endangered Species Road Trip was published in June 2013 and depicts a family that embarks on an exciting journey encountering various endangered species. He illustrates the reasons behind the endangered species with topics such as natural history, overpopulation, commercial fishing, and climate change that results in their extinction. In his spare time, he enjoys writing about ecology for general audiences, birdwatching, and wildlife photography.
Carmen Aguirre is a writer, director, actor, teacher, and a graduate of the Theatre Arts, Studio 58 program. Carmen's first book, Something Fierce: Memoirs of a Revolutionary Daughter, explores her own experiences as a Chilean exile and won CBC's 2012 Canada Reads Award. Her second book, Blue Box, continued her passion and dives on her life as an activist and beyond. Carmen has also written and co-written twenty plays including In a Land Called I Don't Remember, Chile Con Carne, The Trigger, and The Refugee Hotel.
As an actor, Carmen has thirty film and TV credits, she won the Grand Jury Prize and the Audience Award at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival for her lead role in the independent feature film, Quinceañera. Carmen created The Latino Theatre Group and has been playwright in residence at several theatres across Canada. She has also worked as a theatre director, acting teacher and a Theatre of the Oppressed workshop facilitator, working with communities around British Columbia.
Chantal Gibson is a poet and internationally acclaimed artist. She studied her first art history class at Langara which changed the direction of her career. Her book How She Read speaks about the subjectification of black women, their voices, misogyny, and stereotypes women of colour face. Chantal is an award-winning poet with 8 awards. Along with writing, she is an artist educator, and has a visual art collection of historical interventions highlighting languages and colonial oppression.
Charles Montgomery studied Journalism at Langara and is now a writer and photojournalist. His first book, The Last Heathen: Encounters with Ghosts and Ancestors in Melanesia, won the 2005 Charles Taylor Prize for Literary Nonfiction. Since 2001, he has won four Western Magazine Awards, a National Magazine Award, and the 2003 American Society of Travel Writer's Lowell Thomas Silver Award for best North American travel story.
Christopher Nowlin is an artist, part-time criminal lawyer and author of numerous murder mystery novels including See the Sky, Tiddlywinks, and Judging Obscenity: A Critical History of Expert Evidence. His last book was nominated for the Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing. Christopher's writing career started while in law school when colleagues and classmates encouraged Christopher to write murder mysteries. As an artist, his work is ultimately unique when paired together with his writing. He has 100 original illustrations in his books painted by himself. Currently, Christopher teaches within the Department of Criminal Justice at Langara.
Cynthia Flood is a fictional short story writer of six well-recognized books includingMaking a Stone of Heart andAnimals in Their Elements. In addition to writing short stories, she has been featured in the Vancouver Sun and The Globe and Mail. Cynthia is a political activist who supports socialism and women's movements. She also actively fulfills an important role as a prominent organizer for Gay Alliance Toward Equality. Cynthia is a nationally acclaimed writer and retired from Langara in 2001. She served as Assistant Chair of the English Department, Coordinator of the Women Studies program, and Board Member on the Langara Faculty Association from 1971 until 2001.
Dianne Jacob is a graduate of the Journalism program at Langara and is an internationally acclaimed author and co-author. Her book Will Write for Food: The Complete Guide to Writing Cookbooks, Blogs, Memoir, Recipes, and More, now on its third edition, has won three international awards for excellence, including the Gourmand World Cookbook Award (2010). Will Write for Food have been translated into Korean, Chinese, and soon, Spanish. College and university professors use it as a textbook across the US. She is currently teaching food writing workshops around the world.
Dr. Arthur Wolak is an alum of the Arts and Science program and an interdisciplinary historian and business executive. He is the author, co-author, and editor of six books, including historical work, Forced Out: The Fate of Polish Jewry in Communist Poland, recommended by CHOICE magazine. His academic articles have appeared in publications like the International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Australasian-Canadian Studies, Reviews in Australian Studies, and the Jewish Bible Quarterly. In September 2017, Arthur was elected to join the Board of Governors of Gratz College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Dr. Glen Coulthard is an Associate Professor in the First Nations and Indigenous Studies and Political Science departments at the University of British Columbia. He studied general study courses at Langara and carried on to achieve a PhD in Political Science from the University of Victoria. Glen is an accomplished writer in Indigenous and contemporary political theory. His book Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition has won multiple awards, including the Caribbean Philosophical Association's Frantz Fanon Award for Outstanding Book, the Canadian Political Science Association's CB Macpherson Award for Best Book in Political Theory, and the Rik Davidson Studies in Political Economy Award for Best Book. Glen is also a co-founder of Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning, a decolonial, Indigenous land-based post-secondary program operating on his traditional territories in Denendeh (Northwest Territories). In 2019, Glen received the 49 Langarans award from the College for his outstanding achievements in the community.
Dr. Kaveh Farrokh is a counsellor at Langara, and an author specializing in writing about Iran and their military history. Kaveh's booksSassian Elite Cavalry AD 224-642 andShadows in the Desert: Ancient Persia at War illustrates the Sassanian Empire and Persia as a superpower and their influence on architecture, mythology, arts, music, military technology, religion, and culture. He has a PhD in Educational and Counselling Psychology from the University of British Columbia and is a learning specialist. During the pandemic, Kaveh has been supporting several student groups to help anxiety, and mindfulness during stressful times.
Eric Ballwas born and raised in Hamilton Ontario, he pursued his post-secondary education at Waterloo, Carleton, and Dalhousie University. In 1989 he decided to move to Vancouver. Notably, Eric celebrated over 25 years of service as an instructor in Langara's English department. Eric's book, Archibald Lampman: Memory, Nature Progress is the first book focused on the great Canadian poet in over 25 years. His book is also the first to recognize a thematically focused study of Lampman.
Eve Lazarus is a graduate of the Journalism program at Langara and is a reporter, an award-winning author and podcaster. In 2001, she won gold and silver awards at the Canadian Business Press KRW's. Her passion for non-traditional history has led to nine books including the BC bestsellers Vancouver Exposed: Searching for the City's Hidden History; Murder by Milkshake; and Cold Case Vancouver. Apart from writing about history, Eve has written about the disappearing aboriginal languages to longshore women and dozens of newspapers and magazine articles. Eve served on the board of the Vancouver Historical Society and the Heritage Advisor Committee.
Gary Masonis a national affairs columnist for the Globe and Mail, based in Vancouver. He studied journalism at Langara. In his career, Gary spent 19 years working at the Vancouver Sun in various capacities, including a seven-year stint as a popular sports columnist. He has received the prestigious Jack Webster Award for journalism five times and has won two National Newspaper Awards.
Gaurav Sharma is an alum, bestselling author, and founder & publisher at Think Tank Books, a publishing house focused on helping emerging authors around the world. Born and raised in India, he earned a bachelor's degree in journalism at New Delhi. In 2014, he immigrated to Canada to study a Post-Degree Diploma in Business Administration at Langara. He has authored three textbooks related to the field of journalism and mass communication. Some of Gaurav's best-known books are "God of the Sullied"," Long Live the Sullied", "Gone Are the Days" and "The Indian Story of an Author". Constantly in pursuit of crafting compelling stories, Gaurav is working on a new romance novel. Besides writing, Gaurav enjoys playing chess, badminton, and video games.

Guy Robertson is an instructor in the Department of Library & Information Technology who has brought his background and experiences obtained abroad. He is experienced in international management consulting and planning as an Information Security Consultant. He has published multiple books and articles in consultant planning, management, reference, and readers advisory information security. He has contributed to and managed the Vancouver Office of Thurber Engineering Ltd. and is currently the director of the Alcuin Society dedicated to book-collecting and design. Guy is actively engaged in the Langara community and served as an Ambassador of the Beyond 49 campaign as well as supporting several fundraising efforts for Langara.
Guy Wilkinson is an author and instructor in the English Department at Langara for over 18 years. He was born in Liverpool, England, and moved with his family to Saskatchewan. In his youth, he endured many hardships and experienced a significant period of self-searching. He travelled, toured in a band, and worked abroad in England and Poland before earning his MA at UBC. His work includes a collection of short stories, Home Invasion & Other Stories, a monograph, At Work and Play: Philosophy and Parody in the novels of Witold Gombrowicz, and a special children's book co-written with his daughter, The Blueziad.
Harry Lendvoy is the longest-standing employee at Langara, celebrating 50 years to date. His contributions in the 1970s as head coach of the Men's soccer team have been recognized on many occasions in provincial and league championships. He teaches anatomy, physiology, health, and sports medicine in the Kinesiology Department at Langara. Given his abundance of experience within the field, he has written a successful book, Biodynamics of Physical Activity. He is an elected member of ACSM, and his expertise has provided him with opportunities to work abroad teaching internationally. Among his busy schedule, he also plays competitive tennis on an international level.
Heather Burt is an acclaimed author of short stories and non-fiction articles. During her teaching career, she taught literature at Langara and but has now retired from the English Department. Heather has been upkeeping her witty photoblog called Walking with Freddie starring her furry friend. In her free time, Heather freelances, enjoys festival reading and speaking, manuscript feedbacks, and workshop instructions. Her novel Adam's Peak was the runner-up for the 2008 Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize. Her publication of numerous short fiction stories such as Physical Education and L'Estrange have won awards in annual short story contests.
Janet Douglas is the chair of the Department of Social Services with 30 years of experience working with child protection. She is a member of the Langara Faculty Association Board and a part time steward for the LFA. She co-authored The Safe Approach: Controlling Risk for Workers in the Helping Professions. The book educates individuals with tools needed to mitigate risks involved with their field of work. Additionally, Janet has two research reports published by the Research Society on Marijuana's Cannabis Journal. Her research illustrates the relationship between the use of cannabis and its influence on students within different demographics.
Janet M. Whyte is the author of four novels for young people, Shot in the Dark, Rescue Rider, Charlie, and Charlie on Tour, and a chapter book, Mr. Bert's Story Time. In addition, she has published three stories for children: 'The Great Wave', 'Illustrious', and 'My Space Pet', which appeared in Chickadee magazine's 2013 Space Issue. Janet's most recent book, Shot in the Dark, was included in the Canadian Children's Book Centre's Best Books for Kids & Teens 2015; it was also shortlisted for the Red Cedar Award in Fiction (2017) and the Chocolate Lily Award (2018). Janet holds a Diploma in Library & Information Technology, with a specialization in Children's Services, and a BFA in Creative Writing with concentrations in Short Fiction and Writing for Children. Janet is a Library Technician at Langara Library.
Joshua and Chris Hergesheimer
Josh studied at the journalism program at Langara and attended crisis-zone training at Columbia University. His writing and photography have appeared in the Vancouver Sun, the Vancouver Observer, Al-Jazeera International, the Globe & Mail and the Georgia Straight. Since travelling to South Sudan, he was commissioned by the Overseas Press Club of America to write a guide for journalists visiting the area. Chris is a consultant on issues surrounding food and farming and holds a PhD from the Faculty of Land and Food Systems at the University of British Columbia. The brothers are co-authors of the BC bestseller The Flour Peddler: A Global Journey into Local Food (2015) and they both co-teach Research Methodology at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine.
Judie Steeves is a graduate of the Journalism program at Langara. She is a freelance writer, specializing in the outdoors, agriculture, environment and food and wine. She has been writing since 1968 and is the author of Okanagan Trips and Trails, as well as two other books. In addition to her writing skills, Judie is an experienced photographer and editor. She is currently a writer for the Okanagan Life magazine and has worked in newspapers and magazines throughout British Columbia.
Kathleen Oliver is the author ofSwollen Tongues and an instructor in the Department of English. Her playwright has been produced both nationally and internationally in Vancouver, Toronto, London, and Paris. Her plays Carol's Christmas and The Family Way have premiered around local theatres in Vancouver. In addition to teaching and playwright, she is a theatre critic for the Georgia Straight for more than 20 years. Kathleen is very dedicated to wellness and is a bike enthusiast. She is active in the Langara community and serves on the Wellness Promotion Committee.
Kim Collier is an author, director, creator, actress and a Studio 58 alumna. Since graduation she has co- founded the Electric Company Theatre and co-authored Brilliant!: the Blinding Enlightenment of Nikola Tesla. The book addresses a famous inventor that paved the way for electricity and its influence on the modern world. Her company has received multiple directing awards since her time at Langara. Kim is a recipient of the prestigious Elinore & Lou Siminovitch prize for directing in 2010 and four Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards, as well as the Vancouver Mayor's Art Award.
Leanne Prain is a Langara publishing alumna and the author of three books:Strange Material: Storytelling Through Textiles; Hoopla: The Art of Unexpected Embroidery; and Yarn Bombing: The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti (co-authored with Mandy Moore). Leanne and her books have been included in major publications that include The New York Times, the Guardian UK, and the Globe and Mail. She has delivered lectures, panel discussions and workshops across North America. When she isn't writing she serves at the BC Chapter President of the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada, and as the co-artistic director of The Imprint, a literary collective she founded with poet Laura Farina to explore participatory acts of writing in public.
Niall Christie is the chair of the History, Latin, and Political Science department. He presently teaches about the history of Europe and Muslim world at Langara. Niall has published numerous articles and books demonstrating his research about the crusading period. In fact, he primarily focuses on Muslims, Muslim women, and their response to the crusades. Notably, Naill focuses on the interactions between the Middle East and Europe in the Middle Ages. He is actively involved in the local community and frequently organizes and participates in public lectures amongst fellow faculty members. He contributes to a public lecture series held in Dunbar Community Centre hosted by Langara.
Nicholas Read is a Journalism alumnus and instructor at Langara College. He is a former reporter for the Vancouver Sun and has collaborated on several children's books, including Wolf Island, A Bear's Life, The Seal Garden, and The Great Bear Sea. He is also the author of City Critters: Wildlife in the Urban Jungle, a book about the untamed creatures in urban environments and Saving Emily, a youth novel about two vastly different stories coming together in a life-and-death adventure.
Noel Currie is an author and instructor in the English Department since 2002. She celebrated over 20 years of service at Langara this year. Her book Constructing Colonial Discourse: Captain Cook at Nootka Sound covers post-colonial theory. Moreover, she teaches women studies, Educational Studies, as well as Canadian Studies in Katowice, Poland. Noel enjoys baking, knitting, and walking her dogs outside of her office hours.
Omar Mouallem has a certificate in Film Arts and Directing from Langara and later studied at the Vancouver Film School. He is a National Magazine Award-winning writer who lives in Edmonton. His work has appeared in many publications, including Wired, The Guardian, and Reader's Digest. He also sits on the board of LitFest, Canada's nonfiction book festival, and Eighteen Bridges magazine. Omar recently founded the Pandemic University School of Writing and offers affordable creative writing classes online with over 2,500 students since April 2020. He is also a mentor for the prestigious creative nonfiction program at the University of King's College.
Paul Sunga is an author of both fiction and non-fiction books. His book The Lions (1994) was inspired by early experiences working as a labourer and nickel miner in Thompson, Manitoba. A few of his books were inspired by personal work experiences. Paul worked abroad and wrote his third novel, Age of Wealth, during a mission in Africa. His interest in medical science and international health has led him to write scientific articles in medical science and he is currently an instructor in the Department of Biology at Langara.
Peter Babiak
Peter Babiak is an author and instructor in the English department at Langara for over 19 years. His book, Garage Criticism: Cultural Missives in an Age of Distraction, discusses the reasons that fans adore cult favourite books. He covers marketing aspects relative to consumer behaviourism and how readers connect with popular reads and internet culture. Additionally, he has published essays on topics ranging in colonial literature and has been publicized in Best Canadian Essays in 2017. In his early years, Peter took time off school and rediscovered his interest studying economics and later moved on to studying English. During this time, he worked as a house framer, landscaper, auto assembly-line worker, and taught literature to young offenders in jail, to earn a living and gain world experience in addition to school.
Peter Norwood is a well-loved and now retired accounting instructor who has greatly influenced Langara through his contributions as the first Chair of the Financial Management Department. All Management students are familiar with his book Accounting, Volume 1 and Volume 2. Peter is enjoying his retirement with his wife, children, and granddaughter. When he is not playing golf in Vancouver, he can be found sunbathing in Florida with his wife.
Rachel Mines is a specialist in old English language and poetry and has recently retired from Langara's English department. Her book The Rivals: and Other Stories talks about loneliness, social anxiety within a multicultural and rapidly changing society. The book is translated from Yiddish language and focuses on the Jewish communities in New York and Europe prior to World War 2. She holds a PhD in English from Kings College, and a MA in English from the University of British Columbia. Rachel is a part of the Vancouver School of Yiddish Translators group. Among her amazing work, she started a writing and editing service called the Language Doctor. Her Yiddish stories were popular with her students and received high praise from Yiddish press. Due to Rachel's interest in Yiddish speaking Holocaust survivors, she taught Writing Lives: The Holocaust Survivor Memoir Project at Langara. The project created memoirs for survivors to share their traumatic experiences. The Memoir project has now extended further to First Nation residential school survivors.
Raj Arneja is a graduate of the Publishing program at Langara College. She recently published her first novel,Love at First Sight, a memoir detailing the adoption journey of her two children from India. She is the director of Corporate Engagement at Nanak Foods. Raj also sits on the board of many not-for-profit organizations including the Seva Thrift store, VISAFF (Vancouver International South Asian Film Festival), and most recently, the Langara College Foundation Board of Directors.
Rick Blacklaws is an archaeologist, trained photographer, author, and retired Anthropology instructor at Langara with more than 25 years of service. He co-authored in the footsteps of Alexander Mackenzie: Archeology and the Nuxalk-Carrier Grease Trail with his wife Carol in 2015. Rick and Carol's memoir styled book captures intimate perspectives and moments within both Rick and Carol's lives. The couple now resides in South Surrey and co-authored another book, The Fraser: River of Life and Legend together in 2020. Rick and his wife are deeply connected with the Fraser River throughout their years of academic trips and expeditions. Originally from Calgary, Alberta, he practiced landscape photography whilst studying archeology in BC. Rick understood the importance of photography early in his archeology career and its impact of interpreting culture. His photography in The Fraser River by Alan Haig-Brown won the 1997 Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Book Prize. Since his retirement, Rick has been featured in many articles acknowledging his talented photography.
Rochelle Grayson is the current Marketing Department Chair, instructor, and digital mastermind at Langara for the past seven years. She has been nominated for numerous awards, such as one of Canada's Top 100 Most Powerful Women and awarded Vancouver's top 40 under 40. Rochelle has launched several innovative digital media initiatives and acts as a mentor with new local businesses through New Ventures BC. After successfully receiving two grants from BCcampus Open Education, Rochelle is developing a new open e-textbook, Foundations in Digital Marketing. This free open-source e-textbook is a wonderful opportunity for Langara to take advantage of providing reference books to students, that reflect the latest trends and developments in the industry. The book includes videos, interactive activities, and support materials for instructors, all based on accessibility and core principles of design learning.
Salim Amin is a world-renowned photographer, alumni of the Journalism program, author and entrepreneur of an Agency company called Camerapix. His book Kenya: Through my Father's Eyes features unparallel content combining augmented reality videos within the pages of his book. His father, a globally renowned Kenyan photojournalist covered all major humanitarian conflicts, disasters, and success over the past 5 decades to date. Salim is a supporter of national African production and uses his company and platform to raise awareness on important topics such as corruption, education, culture, and environment protection. He is the chairman of The Mohamed Amin Foundation, and co-founder and former Chairman of Africa24 Media. Salim was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2007 and, in 2012, was named one of the "100 Most Influential Africans" by New African Magazine.
Shelly Wright is an author and retired member of the Aboriginal and Continuing Studies department at Langara. In 2015 her book, Our Ice is Vanishing / Sikuvut Nunguliqtuq: A History of Inuit, Newcomers and Climate Change won the George Ryga Award for Social Awareness in Literature. In her book, Shelly addresses the challenges and effects of global warming on the Inuit people. She was the northern director of Iqaluit's Akitsiraq Law School for over 10 years before teaching at Langara. Her personal journey and encounters with the Inuit people and their culture were the inspiration for her book. Now Shelly is an advocate for indigenous people and through her teaching career, she has built a legacy alongside her aboriginal students and friends. Shelly plans to publish a second book focusing on aboriginal and non-aboriginal perspectives, attitudes, and experiences in the near future.
Silvia Moreno Garcia studied Journalism at Langara College before earning her Masters at the University of British Columbia in Science and Technical Studies. Silvia is the author of several best-selling novels: Gods of Jade and Shadow (voted best novel for 2019 by National Public Radio in the US), Certain Dark Things and Untamed Shore. Her latest novel, Mexican Gothic, published earlier in 2020, spent 8 weeks on the New York Times hardcover best-sellers list, climbing as high as No. 2.
Silvia works as a communications coordinator for the Faculty of Science at UBC and writes a monthly science fiction fantasy column for the Washington Post.
Simon Casey started his studies at Langara and went on to pursue a Bachelor's and Master's degree at UBC, and later received a PhD at the University of Toronto. Simon's book Naked Liberty and the World of Desire explores the relationship between D.H Lawrence and Philosophical anarchism. He emphasizes Stirner, Godwin, Baunin and Thoreau and argues conceptual parallels. Simon works at Langara as an instructor in the English Department for over 20 years. Currently he is exploring the influence of music and its impact on literature and how it is taught. Other than literature, he is enthusiastic about history, particularly the First World War.
Stephanie Koonar has been a Marketing instructor at the Faculty of Management for over 21 years. She focuses on supporting students as they transition to the workplace and is involved in many initiatives that help students build their experience and network while studying. Stephanie is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and is passionate about empowering purpose-driven individuals and organizations to be their best.
Stephanie recently released her first book, "Backpack to Briefcase, A Student's Guide to a Meaningful Career Journey." The book features the success stories of many Langara students and alumni and has already reached #1 as Best Seller on Amazon in the "Jobs and Advice" category. It was written to help high school students, post-secondary students, and graduates to answer the dreaded question, "What will you do when you graduate?" The book includes activities that help students discover their passions, build their experience, network and digital profile, and job search strategies to launch their careers.
Stephen Bett is an internationally known poet. After 31 years of teaching with the English Department he is now enjoying his retirement in Victoria, BC with his wife Katie. He has published 23 books of poetry which portray his interest in modern culture, humor, satire, and romance. He has been featured in over 200 literary journals in Canada, US, Australia, England, Finland, and in seven anthologies. In the beginning of his career, his work was known to be sassy and edgy. In his more recent work, Betts was recognized for an incredible and authentic minimalistic subtlety of contemporary literature.
Stephen Phillips is a political science instructor and recently celebrated over 25 years of service at Langara since 1994. He has co-authored chapters on constitutions and political parties of BC, and two chapters in the Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs published by the University of Toronto Press. Stephen received his PhD from UBC in 1999 focused on Canadian politics and public policy. Earlier he studied political science and law at the University of Alberta. Stephen has engaged in several campus activities including the Selection Committee for the Outstanding Alumni Awards.
Theodore Alexander Galay was a dear instructor and taught at the Mathematics Department at Langara until his retirement. He was a remarkable storyteller and a successful playwright, many of his plays explored the experience of Ukrainian settlers and their descendants, including After Baba's Funeral (1978), Sweet and Sour Pickles (1980), and critically acclaimed Tsymbaly (1985), among others. Ted taught at Brandon University, in Manitoba, and then moved to Vancouver where he received his PhD in Mathematics at UBC and became an instructor at Langara. He won the Governor General Award in grade 12 for being the top student in Manitoba, and the Drama Award presented by the Canadian Authors' Association in 1981. His legacy remains through his wry humour, sharp mind, and natural storytelling. Ted passed away in 2018.
Tracey Theemes is a business owner, published author, public speaker, lecturer, and advocate for financial literacy. In 2009, Tracey co-founded the Sophia Financial Group, a company that empowers clients through the power of financial knowledge. Since starting her firm, Tracey has delivered hundreds of educational seminars related to socially responsible investing and financial planning. Her book, the financially Empowered Woman, won the bronze prize for the Living Now Awards for finance and economics and the Axiom Gold medal in personal finance.
Trevor Newland is a professional songwriter, author and is also an instructor in the English Department at Langara. Trevor's academic career focused on conspiracy theory and the works of Umberto Eco at Simon Fraser University. He then went on to studying contemporary American literature at the University of British Columbia. Besides teaching he is a professional musician, mostly performing in production houses in Los Angeles and Toronto. His music has been on the radio, television and various newspapers and magazines. Trevor is an internationally acclaimed author and illustrator of Race to Pisa!, and The Scallywag Solution. In 2016, Trevor took part in the Postcard Story contest as a judge amongst 3 other instructors.
Ujjal Dosanjh is the former Premier of British Columbia and a former Minister of Health for Canada. He began his post-secondary education in the Arts and Science program at Langara and has served the people of British Columbia for over 35 years. Ujjal became the Attorney General of British Columbia in 1995, and then Premier of British Columbia from February 2000 to June 2001 before he entered federal politics. He lives in Vancouver with his wife Rami.
Wendy Long is an alumna and a graduate of the Journalism program at Langara. She is an award-winning sports journalist and over her thirty-year career, she blazed a trail for women sportswriters and advanced amateur sports coverage in Canada. She has covered multiple Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games, Pan American Games, and World Championships. In 2016, she was inducted into the BC Sports Hall of Fame in the media category – the first female to receive this honour.
If you are a Langara author or know one, please contact so we can add those books to our growing collection at the library.
Columbia Creative Writing Alumni
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